In the chestnut woods of the common we can find several models or cropping system from del castañar that comes from an ancient chestnut wood with centenary trees, chestnut trees cultivated with a traditional system until modern plantations that are at the forefront of the castanicultura.


Some chestnut trees come from ancient “performances” (forest of chestnut trees for timber harvesting) which were clarified, trasmochados and grafted with verata forfruit production.


The traditional culture is done under rainfed conditions. They are planted to a broad framework of 18 × 18 with a density of 30 trees / ha, plant of Brown reboldano or brave who is transplanted from the coppice of the chestnut forests. Approximatelyat 10-12 years of planting, when it reaches a thickness of 10-15 cm is grafted themvariety verata. This operation is performed with a trasmochado in the winter, leaving a branch to “breath” and which acts as a tirasavias.


Trasmochado during the vegetative period tree emits amount in pacifiers vigorous, that are used in the summer for grafting to dormant bud, which will sprout in the following year or growing season.
The traditional structure of castañar can remind us of la dehesa with Plantation, open trees, broad frameworks formed three or four arms, which regularly every 4 or 5 years are performed a fruit pruning to clarify Cup well into the light to promote the fruiting of the tree and get higher caliber chestnuts.


Management of soil, stays with a temporary vegetative cover where it is left to develop a diversity of herbaceous species that serve to protect the soil from erosion. Inthe months of May-June a surface is carried them to eliminate plant cover, thus we also got to accelerate the degradation of leaves and sea urchins, providing nutrients for the tree, with this work breaks the capillarity of the soil and we optimize the water so that it is not lost by evaporation. After this work is another, where is “taramea” to pave the soil and leave it smooth to facilitate the collection of chestnut.
With the aim to show other castanicultura modern, cost-effective models, we are making new chestnut plantings in line with criteria of modern fruit cultivation. We have an experimental plot of 20 has where new varieties of chestnuts are growing and innovative farming techniques are being tested. Hand chestnut trees being planted patterned hybrid resistant to ink, infected with commercial interests like the Boletusmushrooms with the aim to edulis obtain another use complementary to the production of chestnuts. These chestnut hybrids are grafts of black and Jewish, variety which are of excellent quality for Brown. Another part of the plantation are modern hybrid varieties producing chestnuts of large, early-maturing as soutovello, terra, marigoule and betizac bouche.


In the experimental plot, also innovative cultivation techniques are being developed, sometimes in collaboration with technicians and research centers, Since the erosion control with Mulches, trials of fertilization with efficient subscribers of precision, application of fertilizers, foliar fertilization, as well as other techniques of irrigation systems or the management of pests and diseases.